Happy Easter!!! It looks like we are in for a cold Easter weekend so I thought I would look to see what some of the records are for both March 31st and April 1st\ Also April Fools Day!!!! At Grand Rapids on March 31st the average H/L is 51/32 the record high is 78° […]
Many may ask why today is called good Friday when the observance is for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Having been observed over many centuries and translations from ancient texts the term ‘good’ may have been a corruption of the word ‘God’. The earliest known use of “guode friday” is found in The […]
That time of year again to talk about storm safety. Most of the info I have seen gives us info on how to survive a serious storm but I don’t see a lot of info on our pets and keeping them safe and comfortable when the storms are booming out side. My elder Aussie hates […]
High pressure will provide dry weather today, but clouds will linger especially from Grand Rapids to the south and east. Rain will redevelop late tonight and continue Thursday as low pressure tracks through the Ohio Valley Region. Dry weather returns for Friday, but another system brings rain or mixed snow and rain on Saturday. Below […]
Yes that strange wet stuff falling from the sky is rain. We have about a third of an inch thus far here in Otsego and the temperature is 44°. A milder pattern with highs in the 50s is expected this week before cold air returns again over the weekend into next week. Widespread rain this […]
Next to prime rib fish is my favorite food. Through my life time I have lived at various lakes and close to the Atlantic ocean so I had the opportunity to eat lots of fish and seafood. Of course we have never had a rain of fish in our area that I recall though there […]
Looking through this months records on my station we haven’t had any significant rain since the first of March when we picked up just over an inch of rain. Last month in comparison we had 5.22 inches on the 19th through the 21st. This brings us to 8.22 Inches for the year. Most of the […]
With the cool sunny days and clear cold nights we have had this late February and March has made for an idea for the sap run this year. This year should be a record year for Maple Syrup production here in Michigan. Maple syrup season lasts only four to six weeks in the early […]
Above is the current snow depth for the CONUS. Lots of snow on the ground in Canada, New England and the Rockies. Below are the CPC guesses for the next four weeks – with the exception of a brief warmup next week we could continue in a pattern of below normal temperatures through mid April. […]
This weather though enjoyable makes for a slow time for the blog as high pressure in Canada has blocked any storms from advancing into Michigan. It has been a good time to get post winter cleanup on the yard done. We do have some early flowers pushing up from the ground though it has been […]