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Last Week of Summer – The Michigan Weather Center
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Last Week of Summer

Our Met Summer seems to have flow right by, starting off wet and cool then warming up with fairly dry conditions for July and August.  July will be remembered for the humid hot tropical airmass we typically don’t see in the state and now we finished with cooler pleasant weather for the past week and will continue through the last week of August.

Looking at the CFS model guesses we will not see temps in or near the 90s as we move into September.  Temps will gradual slide downward throughout the month averaging out to 73° and lows in the low 50s.  We may see cooler than normal temps over the next couple weeks with a brief warmup mid month then up and down for the rest of September.  Below are the GEFS guesses:

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Keep in mind these are model predictions (guesses) and time will tell if this all plays out.

We start out September with 13 hours and 9 minutes of daylight and end the month with 11 hours and 47 minutes.  I can track the height of the sun in the sky by my deck on the north side of my house.  In mid summer nearly all the deck is covered with sunlight, now it is half way across.

Above is the NAEFS (North American Ensemble Forecast System) forecast 8 to 14 days out showing the probabilities of below/above normal temps.  The warmer air over the tropics could give us better chances of tropical storms in September.  We have tropical storm Dorian of the coast of South America – below is the projected track:

There is also a tropical disturbance off the east coast of Florida which has a 80% chance of development into a tropical storm later this week – this one bears watching as it could affect the Carolinas.  We have tropical depression Ivo off the coast of Baja.

For us, high pressure will continue to rule the day with plenty of sunshine and pleasant temps in the mid to upper 70s.  Chances of rain increase as we get into Monday with the best chances Monday night into Tuesday morning.  After Tuesday we will see another period of pleasant weather right into the weekend with highs in the low to mid 70s.


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Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

This has been one of the nicest summers that we have had in years! Only one very minor heat wave and no 90’s are in sight! Keep it coming!

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

My electric bills are about exactly the same as last year.. people that run their ac with weather like this are totally wasting our energy! Ridiculous!

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

Well some would say driving hundreds of miles for half the Winter looking for snow is a waste as well. As I said before we have several people with bad allergies this time of the year, so having the windows open letting all the pollen in is not an option.

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)



Lol….in other weather news we may get some much needed rain today we could use some ….INDY ..

Sandy (Hudsonville)
Sandy (Hudsonville)

Perfect weekend weather wise!

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

I’m glad the air dried up so we could get to the fair the other night. The first half of the week was way to miserable to go there.

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

Keep this great summer weather rocking?

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

It has been an awesome summer. Only needed the ac for about 7 days or so and plenty of sun! Beautiful!

Sandy (Hudsonville)
Sandy (Hudsonville)

Not sure how hot and humid you like your house but I like mine comfortable. My A/C has been on often- most of the summer.

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

About everyone’s been on all Summer and used a lot to get rid of the humidity. Consumers electric output was well above average this season for the state.

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

Wow what a total waste of energy. I don’t bother with ac unless the house is above 84 degrees or so! Incredible!

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

Good description MV, “humid hot tropical airmass we typically don’t see in the state”, pretty much sums it up. My wife finally got some of the first painting of the Summer done yesterday now that the air is drier. We don’t ever remember having to wait till the end of August to get any painting done. Way better air mass, but now with the goldenrod and other late Summer allergies kicking in we still can’t keep the windows open. 3 out of the 5 of us have the worst allergies of the year around this time so yes the ac… Read more »

Sandy (Hudsonville)
Sandy (Hudsonville)

Lots of golden rod around too. My husband deals with allergies in the Fall – mine are in the Spring. Happy painting. Weather is perfect for it.