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Haunted Cemeteries

Continuing with my Halloween theme from the other day:

Fear, simply put implies anxiety and usually loss of courage.  One can fear people, animals, height, depth, closed spaces and many other things.  In martial arts one is taught to move through their fear both mentally and physically.  My brothers and I all learned to box and took some marital arts training when we were growing up.  My favorite quote against fear comes from Frank Herbert’s novel ‘Dune’:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

(Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear – From Frank Herbert’s Dune Book Series
© 1965 and 1984 Frank Herbert)

One can be taught to face their fear against physical obstacles, however those things unseen or the things of the super natural are another matter.  There are many shows on T.V. now about professionals who chase ghosts and try to document them – there are self proclaimed mediums who say they can contact the spirits of the dead, most of which are frauds however there are those who have gifts and abilities to see and hear beyond what exists in the physical world.

Biblically, spiritualists and mediums are cursed and those entities they are contacting are actually demons who roam the earth as pretenders of human spirits.  It is my belief as with other Biblical scholars that when one dies their spirit goes to heaven or hell, they have no more existence on earth with the exception of their empty shell left behind.  I am not going any farther into this as it can be a lengthy article in itself.

In Madison Maine where I used to live there are two well know cemeteries, Old Point which is in town and the Sabastian Rasle cemetery a few miles south between Madison and Norridgewock.  Here is a little history of the latter:

Father Sebastien Rasles (1652-1724) started a Jesuit mission and built a church in Norridgewock, on the Kennebec River. He was suspected of urging Indian and French troops to attack Wells in 1703. His name also is spelled Rale or Rasle, depending on the source and translation.

Indians continued to raid the increasingly fortified and more heavily populated settlements in Southern Maine, despite the 1713 Treaty of Portsmouth.

In 1721, Rasles, along with Indians flying the French flag demanded that the English leave Indian lands and return Indian hostages. The English stopped selling gunpowder and ammunition to the Indians and made plans to stop the French priest and the threat he represented to their control of Maine.

In 1722, Col. Thomas Westbrook raided the mission, hoping to capture Rasles. The Priest escaped, but the soldiers confiscated his strongbox and got important letters and documents that suggested he was working under orders of Canadian authorities.

To revenge the raid on Norridgewock, Indians burned Brunswick.

In a letter to his nephew in October 1722, Rasles wrote that when the Indians raided the villages, they took care to not harm the settlers, but to destroy only their property.

“This moderation of the savages did not have the effect which they had hoped,” he wrote. “Thus we have a new signal of the war which is likely to flame forth between the English and the savages. The latter look for no support from the French … but they have a resource in all the other savage nations, who will not fail to enter into their quarrel and take up their defense.”

With hostilities increased, the British were determined to stop Rasles and the Indians.

In August 1724, a combined force of English militia and Massachusetts and Mohawk Indians destroyed the village at Norridgewock, killing as many as 100 Indians and Father Rasles.

In the cemetery bearing his name stands a large monument where he was buried.  It is said he is still upset about his death and those of his Indian friends.  It is advised to not visit the cemetery at night because he roams the grounds and will chase anyone out who happens to come visiting.  I have many friends, including myself who will verify this as we tried to drive through the grounds at night.  Whatever he or it is doesn’t want you in there.

In the Old Point cemetery there is the story of an old women who haunts the ground at night – I haven’t seen this one personally but I have heard may talk about their fear of seeing her roaming around.

Whether you believe these stories or not I guess I would have to say seeing is believing and there are a lot of strange things going on in our physical world which are unexplainable without study.  So I will leave it to you to to consider if I am nuts or have had valid experiences.

We will see clouds on the increase today with showers and maybe a few storms later this afternoon – rainfall totals will be a half to near an inch of rain between Grand Rapids and the southern border.  This system will clear out tomorrow morning and bring a nice Halloween for the kids trick or treating.

I am still not seeing any really cold weather until mid to late November.  We will not see any warm air either as high temps during the period leading up to that will remain in the forties and fifties.

newest oldest
Mr. Negative
Mr. Negative

Moderate rain with quiet thunder…


We had some thunder and lightning about the same time.


Hey Rocky next Week Tuesday big storm brewing possible snow temps in the 30’s!! Stay tuned! INDYDOG14!

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

I love the sounds of that. Bring it!!

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

With a high in the 50s and a low in the 40s, I don’t think it will be snowing.


Mark (East Lansing)
Mark (East Lansing)

Almost November and heard thunder. Pure Michigan.


Nother gloomy cool Fall day who would of thought!! INDYDOG14!!

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

Wasn’t around this area at all. We had 10 minutes of rain in the afternoon, but otherwise it was partly sunny and we hit 60 degrees here. Dang near perfect.

Mr. Negative
Mr. Negative

ADA- Rain has arrived 🙁

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

Since everyone seems obsessed over snow, although it may be a month or more away, here are the current stats:

For the month, we are at below average snowfall.
For the season, we are at below average snowfall.
For the year 2018, we are at below average snowfall.



Lots of leaves and no cold in sight. This is almost November?



While there are still a lot of leaves on the trees in my area the color has sure exploded over the last two days and this morning most trees are in full color. I would say here north of Grand Rapids the color has now finally reached it peak. I am going to go out for my walk before the rain starts and enjoy to color show. The current temp here is now up to 43.


40’s and 50’s as far as the eye can see!

Rocky (Rockford)
Rocky (Rockford)

Not bad considering the average highs are in the 50 s and 40s this time of year. Near normal temps!

ROCKY (Rockford)
ROCKY (Rockford)

Remember this one very important FACT! A weak el nino could mean above normal snowfall for West MI! Mark it down baby and bring it!


Here is a list of past “weak” El Ninos with the DJF mean temperatures and the total seasons snow fall. Note the current ENSO outlook is for a weak more western based El Nino. Not sure where each of the past El Ninos were based (east, central or west) 1952/53 snow fall 39.7” mean temp 29.5°° 1953/54 snow fall 78.3” mean temp 29.4° 1958/59 snow fall 104.7” mean temp 20.2° 1969/70 snow fall 84.6” mean temp 24.1° 1976/77 snow fall 70.8” mean temp 18.1° 1977/78 snow fall 84.6” mean temp 19.8° 1979/80 snow fall 48.5” mean temp 26.8° 2004/05 snow… Read more »

Barry in Zeeland
Barry in Zeeland

Actually the FACT you speak of is that the snowfall could be above, below, or exactly average.